September 1, 2021

First Snow 2021

No, not yet. But are you ready for it when that time does come?

Since the first snow of 2021 is (not yet) falling, Triple S Small Engine Repair‘s Steve Spraycar says, “if your snow blower won’t start, or if it’s just not running right, please give me a call to get on the list!

Why beat the rush? Autumn 2021 in the Northern Hemisphere begins on Wednesday, September 22, 2021. With cooler/colder temperatures just 3 weeks away, so (likely) is First Snow 2021!

Question: What do you do if your snow blower won’t start? Sure, first double-check all the basics (e.g., Is there fresh gas? Is the spark plug connected?). If you’ve checked all these basics out, but you’re still not up and running, please don’t wait. Give Steve a call to get on the list. It’s “first come, first served!” Steve reminds everyone.

Answer: Steve can get all your power equipment in ship-shape, sharp-as-new condition to find your sidewalks and driveway again, even get your chainsaw ready to help with firewood duty, too!

Call Steve today to get on the schedule (801) 721-0914.

red and black snow blower on snow-covered ground
Time To Prepare Your Snow Blowers . . .

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